Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'm gong out tonight and no one's stopping me.
Stupid sunshine. Stop raining down on me.~
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
How to make... ME! :P
How to make a Yung-Hoay |
Ingredients: 1 part jealousy 3 parts humour 3 parts leadership |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of wisdom and a pinch of salt. Yum! |
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Mom's bitchy today
*Siiiigh* Oh, well. When people are in a hrury, they don't exactly cool down to consider other people's feelings.
She said I'm slow in telling her where her keys are and that she already found it without my help. It's 7:48 am for chrissakes!! I've tried to pitch my voice to considerably loud-level without awakening the people living upstairs.
*Listening to "Waiting For the Aeroplane" by a New Zealand musician, John Psathas and Dan Pyonton. It uses an array of sound effects, such as chopsticks rhythm hitting on ceramic bowl -------> or I'm mistaken* (I'm only at the 3rd track. There's like 10-17 tracks. O.o)
And for the spurt of sequenced videos below.... I er... discovered YouTube. Nah, actually, known about it for weeks, but wasn't keen on checking it out until I found something amazing. (For the robotic dance: look out for the guy in orange shirt!)
Melodic tunes and clocls are ticking in the music now, in metronomeic rhythm. Changed to da-da-da-da-DA-da-da-da-da-da.
For music, currently composing a piano solo, 'Stream' and a orchestral piece which consists of a violin quartet, a flute and piccolo which I've named - 'Happy Days Are Coming'.
Chopsticks are back in the music. All this while, the piano is playing its chordal bass and mostly single-line right hand.
In my music class, 3 guys are in a semi-famous band called, 'Sons of Darragh' (the name is suppose to be a pun and a tribute to our music teacher - Mr. Phil Darragh - he doesn't have sons, so they are the most difficult, but talented sons he had). So, Kiran, Jordan and Sonjay are the members that make up of the Sons of Darragh. Kiran is the Head Boy .. (That's something to say the least)
They're in 7th Form. And yup, Mount Roskill Grammar is sort of a college or pre-university if you would like to call it. MRGS (My school's acronym) is very strong in the Boy's Chorus Competition; winning like first place 3 times in a row, I think; and GUESS what? Kiran is one of the singers. The Boy's Choir calls themselves - "Sons of Pitch" .... ooo.... I see the similarities.
Oh, yea, and in my music class, there's only 2 girls, me and Tian Shue or commonly known as 'Joyce'; and 7-8 guys. Mr. Darragh combined the 6th formers along with the 7th formers, because of the small amound of students taking 'straight' music. Most prefer 'performance music' where you don't need to learn hardcore theory or composition.
It's really 'HARDCORE' . Imagine, comparing and contrasting 2 different music works for Music Theatre, New Zealand composers and orchestral music. It is not that easy if you have to know all the music terminologies, how the music was shaped and structured + its historical/cultural/social background. We have to write 3 essays at the end of the eyar exams.
I'm cool now. Not blaming mom for her irrationality. :P
Went to youth Christian group yesterday night from 7 pm to 11:30 pm. Whoooo! We watched 'Bruce Almighty' and blessed Ling for her trip to America next week; she's getting married to her childhood friend.
Everyone say 'AAAAAAAwwwwwwww'
I'll definitely miss her and I have to say that this life group is the wittiest of all life groups (since most of them are already working an at least 2 to a decade older than me >_>) Ling is a psychologist and she's 26 and been such a good friend to me. She said she will send a wedding invitation to me. She's actually holding her wedding in Malaysia > where 'things' are cheaper.
aS Jamie (making up a name, 'coz I can't remember) held possession of the rugby ball (they were playing a Touch Rugby competition); In burst of inhuman speed, he raced to the 'destined' line.
Everyone was like, "GO JAMIEEE! THAT'S RIGHT! THAT WAY!"
Everyone made hand signals, urging him forward to the finish line, but suddenly, he slowed down and shook his head. He knew 3 guys were coming right behind him and he got cowardish. Everyone was like, "GO JAMIEE! RUN!!"
He shook his head and PASSED the ball to Ben (making up this name as well, can't remember).
The ball overshot and when it made a perfect arch over Ben's head, Ben was like (in slo-mo) hands up, jaw steadily dropping with a mournful, "N-o-o-o-o-o-o."
And Joanne said, "It was as if ZOOM! And then slowing down and then... ppuutt..ppuut....pput."
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
English Proposal
Ooo-kay! Time for some itsy-bitsy fun during my English class.
Be warned!:-= This is a compilation of several itty-bitty laugh scenes which is not in chronological order.
"Look at my huge muscles," Alim, a rake-thin, bushy-eye-browed pre-adult said behind us (Abigail, me, Caryn).
I gasped loudly, and everyone sitting in the back row laughed, including my neighbours. Oh, yea. I don't think Alim laughed; didn't turn around to look >_>
"So, if you had a chance to genetically manufacture your child, which gender would you choose?" Miss Daji, my english teacher said.
Miss Daji is a mix who speaks beautiful NZ English. Although rather short, her gaze can extend hundreds of miles away i.e. her Killer-Bulgy gaze (where her eyes widen so much, it feels like it's going to pop out and head straight towards you O.o). She's a fun person to be around, eventhough her tongue could sharpen a kitchen knife, yet become a butter tray and a wit so fast, straight and piercing that you wish you weren't her target.
Back to the question:
So, someone spoke up (I forgot his name) and said, "Boys."
"Why?" Miss D. asked.
"They're cheap."
Everyone burst out laughing. A-hahhaa.
boys are cheaper than girls!
Even so, my online friend disagree. Our convo:
Zach says:
Boys are difficult.
I know, because I am one. <_<
ahahha. Ohh, so how are you difficult?
Zach says:
Well, in general terms, boys eat more, they have higher insurance rates (both health and car), are more rebellious and violent. <_<
Zach says:
And more territorial.
"You proposed to him?!" Caryn, a fellow Malaysian exclaimed, surprised.
Karen said, "No! He did!" She poked at Jason, a Korean student, who was gaping in shock.
"No! She did!"
Who would you believe?
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Unscientific Answers
Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing, and your voice caught within your chest?
- It isn't Love, it's Like.
You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right?
- It isn't love, it's Lust
Are you proud and eager to show them off?
- Guess what it is
Do you stay for their confessions of Love, because you don't want to hurt them?
- It isn't Love, it's Pity
Does your heart ache and break when they're sad?
- Then, it's Love
Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret?
- Then, it's Love
Do you accept their faults because they're part of who they are?
- Then, it's Love
Do you cry for their pain, even when they're strong?
- Then, it's Love
Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?
- Then, it's Love
But do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and elation pulls you close and holds you?
- Then, it's Love
Would you give them your heart, your life, your death?
- Then, it's Love.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Blessed Love
Believing more of Him, is taking the first step of a Christian Walk.
Even if you are not Christian, you'll be reminded of God's presence daily. Unconsciously so, we take His presence for granted. It's cool for being a free spirit, and not being tied down to any religion. Being a free soul reminds me of freedom of the mind. I felt special and proud that I'm not bound to any religion; I have the freedom to explore every kind of religions and felt no qualms of talking insentitively about it.
However, during worse times (traumatic experiences or just depressive moments), I usually turn to my friends for comfort. But when I need immediate comfort before I let harm come to me (cutting myself, when I was in M'sia), I felt spiritually empty. I do not know who to turn to, but thank god I did not proceed with the irrational act. The most recent example, was my sexual harrassment. After that unfortunate incident, I was also left spiritually empty.
It was wrecking me up inside.
Until I went to an Asian Christian Camp. I felt their genuinity, their sincerity, their generosity; giving without strings attached. Giving not just by materials, but with good advices, encouragement and friendship without judgment.
I was touched and felt truly blessed. I felt like I belong to Christianity.
And when I was annointed as a Christian during the camp, I felt a heavy load of paranoia, pressure and sadness were lifted off me. I felt loved and not being looked at critically.
Other Love:
Sibling love, parent-child relationship, love at first glance, feeling of love and platonic love (among friends).
Sibling Love
- Oddly enough, I wouldn't know how to comment, because I do not have any brothers or sisters. However, I know that, no matter how unkind your sibling or siblings are, they still care about your well-being in their strange way.
Parent-child relationship
- Parents wish their kids remain kids, instead of growing up into rebellious teenagers. We are deserving of our parents and we honour and respect them, taking care of them after they are in their wisest years. They love us unconditionally, and in turn, we could try to please them as often as possible (don't be too obedient, you have freedom to express).
Love at first glance
- This is one in a thousand. It is just a strong feeling, usually governed first by the attraction of physical features before we go into how charming they are, how adorable is their ear lobes, and how they make us smile all day long. Although, we might discover how demanding they are, how unreasonable and dreadful are their habits. Still, if both of you would want to make the relationship work, try putting in effort to include your significant other in your interests.
Feeling of love
- I meant the feeling of couple love. It usually evolves from being friends, blossoms into wonderful spurts and then taking it to a serious level. Marriage could be considered and some would prefer to live together first before taking the life-changing decision into action. As for me, I found someone I love, but I would want to rear a dog before having children. :P
Platonic relationship
- Could you still stay good friends without developing me feelings for your friend? I have witnessed a wonderful friendship here in NZ: Jesse and Halee. Jesse and Halee are so close that they give each other pecks, hugs in the public eye and yet they still manage to not date each other; Halee has a boyfriend now, although Jesse is still single. Their platonic love is so remarkable.
In my honest opinion, I don't think I can not develope feelings for a guy friend if he keeps hugging and kissing me on the cheek. The feelings do grow, but it all counts on you whether you could see if there is a future and if the other person shows signs that they're keen.
People use more body language when they're in love. That's why it's so damn confusing if they say 'nothing' but their body language clearly states that something is wrong. Unless we're reading it incorrectly. -.-''
Blessed be your love. @-*-----
Monday, August 14, 2006
What Is The Bible?
Something to think about.
All scripture is inspired by God and its profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that the man or woman of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16-17)
Why Read the Bible?
By reading it, we get directions in our lives. We renew our mind by readin the Bible.
"And don't be conformed to this world's thinking, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you can prove what is good, acceptable and pefect will of God." (Romans, 12:2)
This way you will know what God really wants you to have in life. It also gives you more faith to live the Christian walk.
"So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (Romans, 10:17)
Updates for M'sia
And hoot! for 17th Aug! Free tickets to the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, featuring the music of Shostakovich - his 1st Piano Concerto and 7th Symphony. AND! my dad bought 4 tickets to Cirque Rocks from his friend for only $90; the maximum price is $160. It's on the 25th of Aug! YAYAYAYAY!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Don't Fool with Flu
Being in NZ for at 3 months has changed my perception on caucasians.
First of all, I don't feel the inkling to 'worship' them. I sometimes tend to think that they're above other races, which is rather silly. Second, I tend to associate them with the word 'beautiful'. Think Nicole Kidman. :P
And lastly, they speak very well, although this is more towards individual assessment.
Most of my caucasian friends speak French and English. Now, I find them as my friends, not someone to put on an alter to worship. I pray to God and Jesus, not the european race. (Must be the media that made me thnk that 'white' is the 'epitome of the world's popularity'.
Sorry, I'm just not in the mood to write a long entry.
I'm still sick, bogged down by the wrench illness.
Oh, yeah. I have to think of ideas for the story-writing competition.
Gaaah! I kept typing 'have' as 'ahve'.... a sign for me to rest my brain.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Car Accident
My initial reaction when I heard the brakes screeching was stop a while, RUN. I even lifted my left hand up to beg pardon for my mistake of not seeing him coming from behind. -.-' My right hand lifted a big file to shade my eyes from the harsh sunset light. Soooo.., I thought partially it was my fault for not seeing him.... (BUT You can't expect me to have another pair of eyes at the back of my head)!
I pray thanks to Jesus and I believe He had protected me through my near-death experience.
I would want to be a dentist someday. That means I hope to go to Otago University, I guess, which means I could've to move from Auckland to Otago (which is even colder as it's far south).
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Awesome week!
It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was up and about, mischievously glamouring itself and positioned it perfectly to reflect the wonderful grassy volcanic crater right at the peak of Mt. Eden.
One day, I said to myself, that I will climb down to the hole of the dead volcano. The crater was huge! Grown men and children carefully counted their steps down, took pictures and gather some rocks as souveniors. Unfortunately, I don't want to trek down alone, and so I pestered my mom, who was very reluctant.
She said, "Next time, go with your friends from Christian Life Groups."
I pouted, shrugged and complied to her suggestion.
Then after, we went to the Wong's house for a cup of tea.
I have to say, By Golly! Their house is HUGE! The house dated back to 1928! The doorknobs were situated high on the side of the doors; engraved windows, and wood slide doors. I didn't mention the fireplace, 'coz it's so common to find them in the houses in NZ.
We then went back to church to attend 'Basix', a wonderful course for new Christians. My family and I started last week ad they were already at Chapter 6. That very Sunday, I was baptised.
I was the first one and Pastor Neal touched my forehead and prayed. He also 'spoke in tongues'. I felt my legs going all tingly and was falling. Luckily, someone was behind (they are always behind the person being baptised, just in case the person really fell over; Pastor Neal recounted his memories and there were people who kneel or fall over under the mighty power of God).
However, whenever I wanted to fall, I felt someone's hands behind me, and I was suddenl jolted out of my reverie and stood up-right again. Still, with my eyes closed. I felt like falling backward twice, but I always stand right back up.
It's like something was pulling me up-right again.
I don't know. I dn't know what to think.
After the first almost falling over, Pastor Neal then said something like 'cast the devil out from Alyce's mind'. Later, I was a wee sceptical. Did the Devil tried to influence me?
I prayed to Lord and I hope not.
Today (27th June), I donated blood for the very first time!! *jumps up in joy* The feeling of giving and praying to save lifes had touched me and I felt rejuvenated and selfless.
The feeling was amazing.
I also noticed the width of the siphon-needle. It's THICK I tell you! I was the only girl to have to take off my jumper, 'coz I'm wearing a long sleeve blouse underneath.
Actually, I was suppose to stay back until 7:30 pm after school, 'coz to help with the translations from English to Cantonese and Mandarin. Apparently, the primary teachers needed help when conversing with parents of different nationalities during Mt.Roskill primary Report Day. But, my service was not needed. They had sufficient amount of helpers.
Haha. I have mre time to study for the Biology assessment tomorrow.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Youth Camp
The camp was awesome! I did 'Flying Fox' and archery!! Cool beans!
Although the 'Flying Fox' left me with plenty of sore muscles and aches, I don't mind and I feel proud that I conquered my fear of heights.
I met lotsa new friends (mostly university students) and we exchanged information about ourselves. I never knew church would be so much fun!! With all the singing and hopping about, it's alright to say that the atmosphere had influenced me a great deal.
I'm joining some live groups to see which is more suitable for me.
Until then, adios.
~Praise the Lord.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in spirit of brotherhood (or sisterhood).
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, langauge, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignity.
In final words, everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person and no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Everyone has their rights; every man on earth is equal because everyone of us has rights.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
(Sexual) Harrasment
I was rushing to the library to ask if they have any job vacancies. I was enjoying the walk alone.
As my shoes scraped on the steep driveway, my nose breathing in the familiar scent of the road (carbon monoxide); I thought, why not have a visit to St. Theresa church?
I did just that, and I love the design and the way the church was built. I especially adore the interior designs; it reminded me so much of First Purchase, a church described by Harper Lee in To Kill a Mockingbird. The building of First Purchase Church in the 1930s was funded by the black people living in Maycomb, a Southern town in America.
Although St. Theresa church was cleaner and well taken care of, it gave me a rare feeling that I'm stepping into First Purchase. St. Theresa's sermon is a black man and so is the preacher in First Purchase. The similarities they shared warmed my imgination.
After admiring the church for quite some time, I tore myself away from there and resumed my excursion to the library.
And then, it happened...
I was humming a simple tune, oblivious to the danger ahead of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a Samoan/Maori/Islander (or some other race) man crossing the road and walking towards me. He stopped me and I willing listened to his enquiries.
At first, I thought he was asking directions. I couldn't hear properly, because his accent was too strong. And when I did, I was outraged.
He was begging to 'fuck', shooting my boobs with a leery look.
He even asked what colour are my panties; could he lick my pussy...
I was stupefied and a look of rejection crossed my features. I ignored him and walked away.
Thankfully, he did not follow me. He crossed back to the opposite side of the main road and walked up a slope, bent down and seemed to be picking up a box or rummaging in it to search for something.
I did not seek out what he's gonna do next as I don't wanna have eye contact with him or even coincidentally bump into him again. It was too much to bear.
My thoughts were:
a) WTF?!
b) I can't believe this is happening to me!!
c) fucking sicko
(This is not a multiple-choice question.)
At that moment, I was still calm. I was thinking if that man were to follow me, at least I'm not leading him back to where I'm staying.
I did make a report to the police, and I appreciate everyone's understanding. I called my friend, Ceya first before calling the police. We discussed on what I should note down about that man and time of incident.
I cried after telling the details to the policeman. He asked if he should call up someone to talk to me on this night. I said fine and he did just that.
Unfortunately, Barbara (the counselor) called when I was having dinner. I was too distracted eating to recount the horrible thing that happened. So, I told her just that and she said she'll call again tomorrow during the day.
I'm having exams next week and we have to provide our own paper. I guess I have to rewrite the whole biology report on the day of the practical. I screwed up, or I could just make up my results if the experiment fails.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Never a DULL moment in English
*pause for effect*
Somehow the conversation shifts to talking about our ex-es. Caryn has FIVE ex-es!!!!!
Jason has twooooooooo...
and Karen... has to take out the calculator.
At first, I wasn't aware that Jason and Caryn were hounding Karen on her previous bf-es... until I got interested, that is. We were suppose to have a group discussion on the up-coming presentation next Monday.
I did most of the work. Lazy bums! ;p
No offense..
Anyway, Karen took out the calculator and started to press the buttons. She took so long and each of us only took a split second to answer. When we FINALLY got her to say it, 15 minutes has passed.
Both of the girls have heaps of online bfs. While I just sat there with amusing smiles, of course, not letting on that I had a phone-bf before. It was so real, although we've never met with each other.
Jason has unique eye-brows and sleepy eyes. He's a Korean. I think his name is spelt like this: Yoo Myiung-Wu. Apparently, Karen and him are like 'metal magnets', like Caryn says.
The last English lesson was full of giggles and mouth-covering laughter.
I did bring along my Malaysia testpad and there were my school name in Malay and Chinese. The way Jim, Jason and another guy pronounce it was so funny, the insides of my belly was bouncing with laughter. Oh, yes. Karen did manage to try and say it.
Hahahahha. Erm... sorry bout that.
And that guy-whose-name-I've -forgotten (the one Caryn calls an Indian... >.>), pronounce it like an Iban. So Sarawakian.
"She is so pure," quoted by Karen, as she started to comment me on my asking whether she had kissed a guy before. Clearly, the relationship was not defined.
I am SOOO pure.
hehe ^.^
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I Hate Me...
I should've taken up Music. I love music, I love playing the piano, I want to get creative with music. I wonder why didn't I voice out what I want. Is it because I'm not sure it is the best for me. Where can I go from here? Is the subject useful for my future?
I am so torn. Without Chemistry, I could never be a doctor or a dentist. With Chemistry, everyday will be 'study hard' and activating the 'mojo button'. It's great that it motivates me to research and try and do my best, but I find it a little stressful. I did not do well in Malaysia, what makes me think that coming here will be any different?
I know some ppl might categorize my thinking as pessimistic, but remember that I came in during Term 2. Makingthis important decision depends a lot. My future is at stake. Oppressing state.
*My right hand is shaking badly, typing this. Could be the cold.*
Why did I choose Chem? I love Bio, but without Chem, Bio will be an independent, fruitless subject. Although it teaches me about human anatomy and the workings inside our body, Chem relates dastardly close to it.
I wouldn't want to bother Mr. Lett again, but... from now on, I need the credits. I need at least Merits. As for participating in Sports, P.E. is enough.
One thing, one question that made me realize something about myself: Why ... Why didn't I voice it out to my father that I don't want to take Chemistry?
Some part of me believes that it will open up more options for me and I believe that I can pass with merits if I work hard enough. IF. But come to think of it, without my father around as an academic mentor, it is near impossible for me to understand the tiny molecules that seemed to cause reaction when it collides and producing something different.
I take Biology because I want to know more about the inner workings of our bodily functions. I want to know how to take care of myself when I am alone and also taking care of others (friends, family and perhaps the next generation of kids). Did you know that it broke my heart to see widespread famine and diseases happening in undeveloped areas?
It also hurt me to see ppl destroying themselves by harming themselves, by smoking. I despise ppl who seemed to want to kill themselves, because I had experienced it some while ago.
Suicidal tendencies are by far the most life-threatening. It is because it is commited by yourself. You, have the undenied privacy to access yourself. You are your own person, you can do whatever you want with yourself.
I don't hold a grudge against daredevils. I mean, hey! It's your choice! But ending your life either slowly and painfully or abruptly is a horrible way to die. DOn't you feel sympathy for yourself?
That time, I was so lost, so blurred by my emotions, entire rationality chased out from my mind. I wanted to, at that moment, to physically hurt myself in the worst possible way. Is it wrong to think that? No.
But I stopped myself as the blade was mere centimetres away from my wrist.
It was so close... I could feel my blood rushing there as the inevitable drew closer... but I stopped. I was crying and thought that no one unserstands me, but I still thought for myself. I selfishly thought of myself. I wondered why would I want to scar myself? Is it worth it? Is it worth the pain I will later feel?
No. It is not.
From that day on, I never tried to hurt myself again. I hurt and throw things, but not inflicting pain on myself.
I have no regrets on what I almost did, on what I was thinking, on how and why I thought of hurting myself in the first place... it's because I had experienced it. And I know I would not be tempted to go down that road again.
Music helped a lot. I get to bang the piano and play really loudly and no one would penalise me or suggested that I need anger management. Provided the song is suitable to rise in drastic desibels.
Obviously, music requires theory as well as fingering on the keyboard or picking up and trying other instruments. I wonder what's Music subject like. Would I like it? Would I regret dropping Chem and taking up Music?
I'm just worried that it would cause Mr. Lett his valuable time.
It's not bad... Exams are 2 weeks away, have to make friends all over again since my schedule would change dramatically, might gain other better teachers (or not) and the scholarship programme might be a little tricky.
Weird huh? Me, taking up Econs, but not Accounting. My mom said if you're thinking of getting into Business, take Acc and Econs!! Don't listen to what your father says! Think of yourself!!!
Think of yourself. What do you want?
Sunday, May 14, 2006
My First Day in Mt. Roskill Grammar.
Their uniform consist of a rich-chilly blue wool jersey with the school's emblem (golden pheonix with the latin word 'Sursum', meaning to the heights), white long-sleeve blouse (or there are other options as well: short-sleeve blouse with the emblem on the collar or the school light blue blouse), A-line navy blue short skirt (or you can choose pleated, or full-length), black pantyhose (or white socks or navy blue pantyhose) and black leather shoes (required by the school).
Get this: I have to find my classes for every subject. And, I don't fancy going from one end to the other end of the school, especially in the rain.
For the first few days, I had been carrying my heavy red bag around with my 'water tank', 'coz I have no locker. That was before I met Karen in my English class.
So, on my first day, as I was walking to school, I met up with Ira, a Year 10 girl who got kicked out from her previous school because of a fight with another girl and also of 'wagging' (means, skipping/cutting classes).
She told me prefects are useless. The guys either says 'shut up' and then don't bother, and the girls say 'shush' and well, just gives you 'the glare'. For a Year 10 student, Ira is taller than me. She is a Syrian (I think), eurpean look: brown hair, brown eyes, tollable (I'm not sure if this is a word... if it's offensive, then I apologise for using it) skin.
She introduced me to Natalie, her cousin and Fiona Ting (caucasian), her friend.
Then, I had English. Met Karen and Caryn.
During Chem, I met Tracy and Saru and Elaine and Daphney. Tracy welcomed me into her group of friends: Eleanor, Amerdin, Shaman and Catelina. We had lunch together. I did not really click with Amerdin and Shaman, eventhough they are fun ppl to be around. We just all need some getting use to.
I am quite fond of Mrs. Phillips. She's the woman in B1 Resourse Centre, in charge of books, clothing and stationary. She's so sweet and kind, keeps calling me 'love' and asking me if I'm doing fine.
In Math A, I sat with Ceya. She has a twin who I have yet to meet and I was sitting opposite the 'Best Coach of the Year'! Megan! She plays soccer and Ceya plays soccer. And Lynli plays hockey, tennis and something else. Everyone here is so sports orientated, but too bad for me, the trials are already closed.
I wanna join netball. However, I need to deal with my studies first.
Everyone here is so frank and honest.
Oh, and there is Janice, Tracy's friend. She swears a lot and when I was swarmed away by a crowd, momentarily seperated from them, she asked, "Where the fuck is Alyce?" And she always say that her friends are once men, referring to all her girl friends. She's an Indian if any of you would like to know.
She did specifically enunciated that her boyfriend 'is a real boy'. I believe that.
Karen is pretty popular. Haha, pretty and popular. Oh yea, Amy is her bestie and Ben is Amy's bf. I told him, "Don't break her heart, ok?" He did not exactly promised me he won't, but he knows not to. Besides, if he did, Eleanor (a Singaporean) will beat him up for her.
The pureness of frendships.
Oh, yes. They had a production as well - 'Footloose'. I had no chance to see it, 'coz the tickets are sold out and the production will start on that very night of my first day in school.
I wouldn't want to download MSN. Distracting me from my studies.
Friday, May 12, 2006
I won't be coming back soon
I have not been replying e-mails because I needed to catch up a lot in schoolwork. Their exams start next week until the end of the month, although not everyday, and they have seperate assessments (internal and external).
We even get graded during P.E.. There are credits for it.
I want to play netball sooooo badly, but I know I must find footing and confidence in my studies before I attempt it... Or should I join it sooner rather than later? Would there be a difference..?
Sheltie, I wonder how you're handling over there? Sorry I did not call back. I was so concern for your free time that I assume that you're busy every second during the whole year, especially this year. I thought about your available time which would, should be used to 'take a breather' from all the schoolwork pressure and would not be nice to bother you.
I miss you. And of course, not only Sheltie, but all of you guys!
You guys ROCK! I brought the cute, soft and cuddly dog with me!
Winter is already here, and it's cold, although not freezing, but cold and WET, WET, WET! My only transport are my legs and bus services. Oh, and we don't stick to the same class.
I finally have a locker! Sharing with Karen, though. She's so nice! Actually, we have to hire the lockers, but I came pretty late, so all the lockers were unavailable. However! I met pretty Shanghai Karen who was so kind to share it with me!
Saucy Exams
There are advantages and disadvantages, such as the ups and downs of M'sia's education system.
An examination paper, originate from some chopped down tree, lying there - blank. Then, a tiny drop of black ink dripped onto the fold, gradually, writings appear as men learn to write. Afterwards, people got smarter and decided that their assesments should be given top priority. They began to go on and on about theories.
Drip, drip, drip. More ink, smudged the whole piece and it had to be rewritten again.
This time, they added a little flair and democracy, or should we say - a fair justified assessment. People wanted to test each others capabilities, intellignece as neither belives that the other is smarter or 'brainier' than he is.
Then, exams got harder, the stakes had shifted its position, rising above our heads until we had to jump 3 times to merely touch a little bit of it.
A whole lot of competition comes in, and then it gets complicated...
'Sauce' that makes it so complex, and yet one's future and career will depend on that very hour to finish the indicator of success.
Is it fairly justified? Are exams the best way to test a student's ability and knowledge?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I hope I do not develop a bruise, but I believe that I have hard cheekbones. ;p
I found out that I do not really click with Tracy's gang or some ppl in it, but... that's cool. I just need to get use to it.
There's so many international students, Chinese and Maori s here in school! The Kiwis are like so small in population.
Today, I went to the forbidden H-block. It's only accessible to the Seniors (Year 13), but my friend and housemate, Cecelia took me in and lectured me on being prompt, not early. So, I'm anxious, alright! My 2nd day in school! What do you expect?!
Although, I'm not mad at her. Met Queenie, a Year13 student. She went to a Haunted House last night at midnight! Whoa! I want to go there some time!
I'll list down the names I have to remember:
Anna (Eng)
Ann (P.E.: CHina)
Brianca (Tracy's gang)
Barishna (Bio)
Cecelia (You know)
Christina/Tina (Registration)
Ellen (Math)
Samantha (Math)
Sophia (Chem)
Tracy (Chem)
Janice (Tracy's locker mate)
Faizul (A fleeting introduction. He's Eurasian and homo. I don't have a chance to talk to him yet)
Lucy (P.E.)
Anna (from P.E.)
Karen (Eng)
Karen (some weird spelling I don't know): (Eng)
Tim (Registration)
Sharman (Tracy's gang)
Amerdin (Tracy's gang)
Eleanor (Tracy's gang)
Kay (Taiwanese, chance meet)
Jacy (Chem)
Joyce (Economics)
Tashmeen (Economics)
Jocelyn (Bio)
Amy (Tracy's friend and Hong Kong Karen's bestie)
Lola (Registration)
Joseph (Canteen line, Tracy's friend)
Wen Yi (Chem)
Saru (Chem)
Sevi (Tracy's bf)
Toni (Tracy's friend)
Elaine (Chem)
Emma (Bio)
Megan (Math)
Lynli (Math)
Lilith (Tracy's friend)
Ceya (Math)
Suna (P.E.)
Dixie (Jacy and Ellen's friend)
Richard (Economics)
Tracy introduced plenty of ppl to me. She's kind as well, loaning me $5 to pay for my stationary on my 1st DAY! She's so cool.
I have to sleep now.
Oh, yea. I'm in Year 12 and reading 'To Kill a Mocking Bird'.... it's quite nice actually.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The Obvious Answer
Mrs. Neoh: Why'd you come to New Zealand? If it's to educate your daughter, it's no point, since you only have one child, while I have to educate 4!
My thoughts: WHAT THE HELL?!
My dad: *smiled politely* I suppose the education system here is better.
Mrs. Neoh: It's no different. Malaysia is not that backward.
My thoughts: Partially agree.
Mrs. Neoh: After studying here, my daughter went back to Malaysia and is now working there. In a couple of months, she'll be a CEO.
My dad: Well...
Mrs. Neoh: And she's only 36.
My thoughts: WHAT DO YOU THINK, WOMAN??!!
Mrs. Neoh: There are more opportunities in Malaysia.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Mr. Thong and gf saw 2 guys at around 2:20 a.m. outside the compound, looking into their room. One of them says he's a policeman. Yeah ,right.
The house is a double-storey building. The stolen items were upstairs, and I'm living downstairs. Thank goodness, I don't go to toilets during the wee hours. I mean, imagine what if they saw me and decided to threaten me by using one of the kichen's knife???
I was so trusting of this place. I thought the crime rate was low here. Guess I'm wrong. Although, before this incident, Jay told me she stayed in our room before and accidentally left the window open with her laptop on the table.
And then, you know. She came back from work to find her laptop stolen.
Now, the tenants in the house are obsessing about this malfeasance. There are so many possibilities. The thieves could've come in through the back door, the front door (which is always open all through the night, because some of the ppl in the house comes back way past midnight) and also the downstairs bathroom window is constantly open for ventilation.
Now, I guess everyone will be paranoid about locking their room doors, heaving their windows shut and locking the front door either coming back or going out. Just remember do not latch it.
Imagine: I will walk home from school alone, come back to perhaps an empty house and I'm having problems opening the main door (kept fumbling through)... What if ppl follows me?
Zip it shut. Scary thought.
I'm also concerned about everyone's safety. We've been in good terms with each other.
The landlord should've installed a CCTV long before. He bought the house 2 years ago and till now... the security cam is still outside, but without being programmed. Fehh..
Procrastination evokes a series of problems.
They believe the theives were in a hurry. Only a DVD and a speaker without the remote and cables. I mean, the big TV is probably even mroe valuable.
Nash is an analytical person who gets excited about these things. I mean, in NZ, it's a simple life with boring routines, until of course, petty crimes makes it more interesting.
The Suitcase Murder is still going on in the news. Although with suspects, they believe the killer is still at large. They even put up a picture of 4 girls who could supposedly witness the whole kidnapping thing, or at least recognise the killer.
The theives were 'Westerners, not Asians', according to Mr. Thong and gf.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Factors contributing to the strangeness I felt:
(A) One measly floor. Although it's spacious with plenty of computers, tables and seats, the books are far less than what I've expected.
(B) Number of books. Most of the shelfs are half full.
(C) Restricted internet access. I understand the need to restrict ppl from going to 'kinky' sites to avoid 'touching' with viruses, but not allowing us to go to Google, Yahoo and Hotmail??!! There's a catch: Access to the sites you want, you pay $1 every 30 minutes.
(D) The shelves. It's my height.
(E) It's rather noisy.
There are good points.
(A) Printing, photocopying is permissible
(B) Up-to-date (almost anyway) magazine section.
(C) Large array of children books
(D) Many large-screen and slim computers (all of them computers), allows pen-drive access.
(E) Quite systematic
(F) Many seating areas. The seats have cushions. ;)
It IS afterall a COMMUNITY library. Perhaps they rely on ppl's donations?
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Rain, Rain, PLEEEASE Go away!
I must really search for an umbrella, a clothes railing/hanger (to put it in the garage) and a table lamp. Oh, and finish my story in
And well... I moved to a new location, plenty of facilities around and from-China housemates. I find myself getting a little jumpy when communication in mandarin with them. Theirs are so good!
I've met Jay(girl) & Nash (boy):(They're living together), Cecily & mom, Vivian & bf, Mr. Thong (bachelor)... We have to share the fridge, larder, kitchen, washing machine and tv. Not a problem, though. Most of them work part-time and study as well.
Going to Dominion Road tonight. I'm currently living in Three Kings-Mount Roskill on Mount Albert Road.
Did grocery shopping this morning. Our first dinner (yesterday) was maggie mee. Tonight's dinner will be salmon, rice and veggies. My dad doesn't cook, so it's all up to me.
Monday, April 24, 2006
I was like, "Fine!" In my mind.
My dad then lectured me about studying and said I was too distracted by the Net. He said he might resort to Mr. Neoh's style of teaching - caning.
I hated the thought of it, but another part of me agrees. I know I've been slacking behind my studies and thought I could make a new start in New Zealand. Then, I might come across the possibility of going back to M'sia to finish my studies and take the dreaded SPM.
I have no friends here yet. 'Coz school starts on May. So, I'm hoping I could change myself to be more determined and focus in studies.
I want to be like Sheltie. Her concentration is very good.
I promised to myself that this whole week, I will study all of Bio, Chem (Form 4), read at least half the Account revision book and finish Mathematics.
I know learnt that NZ Math is the combination of M'sia's Modern Math and Additional Maths.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I feel sorta miffed. Mr. Neoh said I should come down and ask if I could help them in anything and not just sit in a corner or hide there. He also said NZ people or ppl living there will hate ppl like me.
It's not like I do not want to help. Of course, I did not say this, he would think I'm finding excuses. I should have asked him if he needed any help than asking Mrs. Neoh.
You know what? There was a bunch of ppl came to help him move, and all of them (3) were very much old. I asked if they need any help, they said, "No." So, I gave up and head to my room to read.
I should've asked help in front of Mr. Neoh. Although I know he's giving sound advice, but come on! Who wouldn't know??!!!
I'm not angry at him, I'm just angry, I couldn't do better. Dad sai I should've taken the initiative. I surely did! But no one gave me the opportunity to shine! Besides, I do not have the strength like a man to help move those heavy things.
I should learn how to operate a washing machine. Any ideas?
NZ natives :-)
The nights are terribly cold and I do as much as I can to conserve heat. The Neohs are kind enough to provide us a roof over our (me and my dad) heads, in turn, we have to help them move their things to the container.
Every time I ask Mrs. Neoh what can I do to help her, she would refuse me kindly and thank me for asking. It was a little frustrating, because I begin to feel useless. She accepts her other 60-something-year-old friends' help and not a bouncy robust youth. Although not to say I'm entirely idle, I did help move the pots of flowers, sorting and packing CDs and.... that's about it.
I wake up every morning at 6 and we go out at 7 to Walker's Park to do some Tai Chi. During the day, we scout for rental rooms, flats or houses. And I can tell you one thing: New Zealand properties are not cheap. In fact, the housing price has boomed very quickly for the past 5 years. A 75, 000 house costs 600,000 now!
So, as you can see, we cannot afford to spend that much money, because we don't have that large sum!
For the first few days, I missed home, my mother and friends. I was rather disappointed that none of them, save for Ellectra that e-mailed me. My dad forbade me to install MSN on this notebook, so... it's only e-mail and this blog then.
I have a different perspective towards Malaysia now. I couldn't see it then and it was right there all along. The country is progressing and it is also the source of many different raw materials, plus the most important of all - petrol. The petrol price hike can really kill a person.
I grudgingly admits that the things in M'sia are cheaper, compared to NZ. I've said it before and I'm saying it again to emphasize this particular detail. The cheapest is soap, which cost $1.70. Supplements are damn expensive and I do not recommend you to travel daily by public transport, unless you have no other choice.
A plus point is that the air here is not so polluted, although you still get the occasional carbon monoxide from the vehicles' exhaust.
The place I'm currently staying is Formby Avenue, Point Chevalier. It's a little town and everyone is nice. I've said 'good morning' to complete strangers when I got lost in that area. Thankfully, I managed to find my way back to the park through another route, a short-cut, I presume. I was all by myself when I got lost and walked for like eons to find Neoh's house when I was out jogging in the morning.
The Neohs were at the park and they took me home. My dad decided to sleep a little later.
I have noticed one little thing: the people here are very corteous. They say, 'Thanks, driver' and step off the bus. So different from Malaysia. The laws here are strict; even police are not allowed to bear firearms unless authorized to.
I went to the bus terminal with my dad. He gave me permission to walk around the area outside the terminal, 'coz he will be taking a bus and ferry to Devonport for an interview and then going to East Tamaki. So, as I was walking, browsing through Whitcoulls' (apparently a very popular bookstore because I have seen many branches of it) and then to a pharmacy to check price.
Imagine, no Popular o MPH, just Whitcoulls' and Borders. Oh, and there's no Digi or Maxis. It's Vodafone or Telecom. Electronics are cheap here. Oh, and one more thing, they seperate the food and essential necessities, such as Foodtown (only food) and Westfield or any other supermarket. Cars are cheap; purchasing a Lamborghini would not burn a hole in your bank account.
I returned to the bus terminal, Britomart at noon and I took out a book to read. ANd then, I got bored. I realized the trains are just below ground and it stinks. Other than that, I talked to a fairly corpulent NZ native. He has blond hair and blue eyes, 26, and working in the New World supermarket.
He complimented me twice and I graciously thank him without returning any compliments. Oh well. Daniel (him) said my English is very good, after I told him I came from Malaysia and right in the middle of the conversation, he said I was pretty. That took me by surprise and I felt that he was flirting with me.
Hilariously, he thought I was 20.
I ate sushi alone; Daniel had to catch a train back to West Auckland. We did not exchange phone numbers, because it is illegal for a grown man to date an underage girl.
My dad and I then took a bus home and although it wasn't very crowded, another blondie chose to sit in front of me. Riiiight. I must be thinking too much.
And then, after the bus dropped us off Take Aways, while ordering food, another guy(this time is a brunette) in black sweater came by and looked directly into my eyes and smiled.
Whoa! I so like these feelings.
Did I tell you that cyber cafe's are open, free to all?
Saturday, April 22, 2006
New Zealand things are already so expensive! Equivalent to Malaysia's, perhaps a little bit more expensive if you convert it dollar to dollar.
So... unless I get another anti-virus system, I can't go online.
The weather here is O.K. Air-condition and the funny thing is it rains unpredictably on one day, meaning it has a lot of small intervals of rain on one particular day. Every week, there will be one or two days which are deemed 'rainy day'.
The flight was uneventful. Slept only 4 hours. Jet-lagged and suffering from try throat and crack lips.
Travelling in NZ is hell lot of expensive. One 3-stages trip cost about NZ$3!!!! Not counting the trip back.
I never kenw they have New Zealand White Pages....
Although I've found a school, the most important thing is find a job. For my dad. If not, there is every possibility that you'll see me soon.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Quizz!!! Okay, so I'm bored..

Happy Happy Ending Story
Like Cinderella Story.
Your story starts off like any normal day but soon
you face problems with some comedy mixed in!
Your true love appears and your adventure
begins to end happily with your love forver!
No matter what problems you face it will end
Colour of Your Love:Pink- Bubbly,fun and full of
happiness and adventure!
Fun and enjoyment fill your story to your heart's
content!(hehe!bit of a gay end)
What's Your Love Story? (Girls and Guys!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your greatest strength lies in your STRATEGY
If life was war, you'd be the high-ranking
commander sipping tea far away from the
battlefield planning the next move for your
troops. You're intelligent, rational, and
logical. Your brain is your greatest assert,
and you always plan ahead practically
everything you ever do. You're good at
organizing things and thinking of a hundred
details at the same time. You rarely
encounter people who are smart enough to
outwit you.
What Would Be Your Greatest Strength In a Battle? (pics)
brought to you by

Empathy- Your inner power is Empathy! This
means that you have a talent for identifying
others emotions, often by simply glancing at
them. You are EXTREMELY shy and quiet. People
sometimes dont notice youre around and seem
surprised to find out you even exist in a big
class. Youre the often silent, goody two
shoes, and few get passed the walls youve
built up to stop yourself being hurt, as you
no doubt have been in the past. Not everyone
understands you, in fact some think that
youre a snob or worse because you rarely
participate in group activities. Youre
extremely sensitive, even the least harsh of
words can hurt you. Only your very few,
closest friends who have earned your
hard-to-get trust know who you really are
inside; a sweet, gentle young woman who is
lonely and so desperately needing friends to
support you. You can get very depressed and
not always know why, despite your power of
empathy, as it seems to only work for people
outside you. Your friends always turn to you
when they need advice or comforting, and in
some way you need to give that helpit makes
you feel better in return to know that youve
helped out your friends. Despite your cold,
impassive exterior and high, seemingly
unbreachable walls, inside you are really a
great, intelligent person, full of compassion
and love, if only people would dare take a
chance and try to get through your tough
shell. Never let others get you down, or
change you. You are very special the way you
areeven if you dont have fifty thousand
friends, you are just as, if not more
extraordinary than everyone else. Reach for
the stars, because I dont doubt youll catch
hold of them. Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet:
A sweet, shy and romantic man/woman. The kind
of guy/woman you know will never, ever hurt
you, and will love you for ever. The kind of
person who believes in true love, and soul
mates. Your stone: Blue Topaz Your power: Healing. Emotionally,
physically, or spiritually, you heal people
with your words, your actions and presence.
Youre the one that the little children are
always drawn to, because they know youll
never let anything hurt them. Your element: Clairvoyance (The power to
see objects or events that cannot be
perceived by the normal five senses.) A quote that applies to you: "True
beauty shines from the soul and warms the
world with its kindness, compassion ,
and integrity."
What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
brought to you by
Ah, anyway. I so love Neo for borrowing me a portion of the Naruto series!! Oh yea!
Sooooo, rooting for Hinata x Gaara!
Joey’s having a party this Friday and I want to go so badly… But with my deteriorating immune system, I have to beef up on vitamins and supplements. Get better, so I can go!! If my parents don’t allow, hell! I’ll sneak out and come back just in time. ;p
But, I do put my health on top of my list. Meaning, if I’m still not peachy by Thursday, which is tomorrow, I’ll stay at home and imagine Sheltie and all others enjoying the lovely cake and pool around the noisy arcade or the cinema, or the rock-climbing event..
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

You are a blonde at heart.
What is your haircolor (on the INSIDE)?
brought to you by
You'd look like this... I'd say it's pretty self
If U were ANIME, what would U look like? (girls only)
brought to you by
My First Experience in a Police Station
I’ll leave it to your imagination, but it was a rather boring experience. Though I was fairly surprised by their efficiency.
Seb’s swashbuckling batman slash came to mind.
Hey, I forgot to change Jit Hoon’s name. Ah, well.
I felt downright guilty on Saturday. I justify cursing. I really did fuck up that day.
I made my father angry and he called me, ‘a fool’. That was upsetting, and I managed to make my mother mad at me. Two birds with one stone – me saying gloomily. They had an argument after in the supermarket, causing a scene.
My mom almost cried. But she sucked up her tears, ‘coz adults don’t cry over silly matters. Plus, it’s pretty embarassing for a grown-up to cry in front of everyone. So, I did get a scolding, but I think I deserved more, so I told my dad, “Just scold me. Leave mommy out of this, ‘coz it doesn’t really matter if I cry in public, people see a father teaching his daughter. My tears are understandable.”
So, well. I got most of the ‘bashing’, but I never shed a tear, ‘coz I wasn’t gona let his words get into me. Besides, I have a reason to stay optimistic. I have a Grade 8 Theory exam tomorrow (Monday, which is today btw. It’s finally over!!!). I do not want his words staying in my head, so I brush it off, but received some backlashing for the sake of improving myself.
Willingness to accept constructive criticism.
That did not explain why I was at the police station, right?
Sunday, March 12, 2006
So, instead of waiting outside, half-baked under the unbearable heat from the most important star of the universe, I made the smart choice by following my aunty, who served also as a driver, home. Unfortunately though, today is my last day of ever contacting with my music teacher before sitting for the Music Grade 8 theory exam next Monday!
I am so screwed… -.-‘
Weeelll, my wonderful aunty driver, Mrs. Phay, is a generous lady. I know her daughter. We met since primary. She’s a social butterfly, vice-p of a Chinese Society and a prefect. She’s like mega-busy, like going to work, ‘coz she comes back at night and then she has to finish her homework, projects and stuff.
Thank goodness their compy doesn’t have Internet, coz I will be like glued to the compy screen and use up all of their credit (unless she’s usng streamyx, then I won’t hesitate to log on) :p.
I’ll be stuck in her home for 6 hours. It’s 2:08 p.m.. So, I’ll have to wait, and in the meanwhile, type out this text for my blog. But… how am I gonna transfer this script to my compy? A disquette (if she has a spare one. I don’t think she has one. I’m hoping she has one).
You can’t blame me for rambling, coz it’s the only source of entertainment for me here. Her sister, Wendy is listening music using the mp3 player. So, watching movies and watching tv is out of the question for the time being.
And yea, sms’ed lots of ppl. Only like 5 replied for now…
Well… Phillippa will be coming home tonight. The eldest, mega-busy girl. So, I will be stuck here for another 5 hours.
The whole 2 weeks were ghastly. Studying day in day out, trying to cramp every bit of info into our brains. That’s studying last minute technique: Driven by pressure and extreme passion to finish reading the syllabus and eventually experiencing fatigue, lethargy and ‘black baggies’.
Nonetheless, the two weeks were not of silence and dull atmosphere, but it was filled with funny moments. Let me give you an example of a hilarious snippet from my occasionally reliable memory:
“SHELTIE! Catch!” the Enigmatic Joe said as he threw Seb’s bag towards Sheltie. Seb was running after his rubber which was also thrown by Joe.
With damnable speed and her acute reflexes hiking up a notch, Sheltie punched Seb’s bag away. She literally balled up her fist and let it loose on Seb’s poor rubbery posession. Sheltie’s veins on her forehead throbbed as she was pummeling Seb’s bag away, which banged the side of my table before it dropped to the ground in a defeated heap.
Joe, Kane, Elle and I were roaring with laughter.
“I wanted you to ctach to hide it at the corner you’re sitting,” Joe said between laughter. He kept telling everyone how Sheltie punched Seb’s bag. He immediately shut his mouth when Seb came back with the tiny thing in his palm.
Being the usual doofus, displaying shocking dumbness, Seb sat back down without realizing a thing. Until Kane asked to borrow
“Aw. Come on,” Kane pleaded with mock expression.
Seb was reluctant, but he relented and turned around to reach into his bag………….
He discovered the prank played on him… He turned to Sheltie’s corner and saw his bag. Surprisingly, he spoke to the girl who he has a big crush on with confidence, “Give me my back back.” A little rude don’t yu think?
So, I commented on his P’s and Q’s. He began to beg Sheltie. I don’t think Sheltie wanted to, but she stood up anyway, ‘coz she needed to go to the loo.
Let’s switch the topic to PORN! Hehe. That got your attention, right?
Joe began his story-telling hypnosis, making all of us listening intently to what he has to say about Seb and his excitement over a sEXY video.
“Seb was pestering Jit Hoon about the price for the sexy CD. He was like 10? or 5 bucs? Jit Hoon was like ‘sigh. I’ll do it for you for free.’ Then, Seb was like ‘Really? That’s so cool, man’ and then he got so ffreakin’ excited and kept telling me about it, saying, ‘I’m getting the CD for free, Joe! FREEEEEEE!’”
I never knew sEB WAS THAT SORT OF PERSON!! Horrified*
But overall, guys do have fantasies, as well as girls. We like looking at hot bodies, whether to compare to ours or drool over it.
There was another ‘Naked Male Models’ story by Joe about Elle, but I would not disclose it before I got permission from her. It will ruin her reputation.
I fucked up bad today (Saturday).