Sunday, April 23, 2006


Online diary is a source of comfort, since I believe adults have grown out of their 'teenage' feelings and starts to misunderstand us.

I feel sorta miffed. Mr. Neoh said I should come down and ask if I could help them in anything and not just sit in a corner or hide there. He also said NZ people or ppl living there will hate ppl like me.


It's not like I do not want to help. Of course, I did not say this, he would think I'm finding excuses. I should have asked him if he needed any help than asking Mrs. Neoh.

You know what? There was a bunch of ppl came to help him move, and all of them (3) were very much old. I asked if they need any help, they said, "No." So, I gave up and head to my room to read.

I should've asked help in front of Mr. Neoh. Although I know he's giving sound advice, but come on! Who wouldn't know??!!!


I'm not angry at him, I'm just angry, I couldn't do better. Dad sai I should've taken the initiative. I surely did! But no one gave me the opportunity to shine! Besides, I do not have the strength like a man to help move those heavy things.

I should learn how to operate a washing machine. Any ideas?

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