Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Obvious Answer

Mrs. Neoh had a conversation with my dad as we were eating dinner. I was around, listening to the progressing conversation; Mr. Neoh was packing things into boxes.

Mrs. Neoh: Why'd you come to New Zealand? If it's to educate your daughter, it's no point, since you only have one child, while I have to educate 4!

My thoughts: WHAT THE HELL?!

My dad: *smiled politely* I suppose the education system here is better.

Mrs. Neoh: It's no different. Malaysia is not that backward.

My thoughts: Partially agree.

Mrs. Neoh: After studying here, my daughter went back to Malaysia and is now working there. In a couple of months, she'll be a CEO.

My dad: Well...

Mrs. Neoh: And she's only 36.

My thoughts: WHAT DO YOU THINK, WOMAN??!!

Mrs. Neoh: There are more opportunities in Malaysia.


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