Saturday, April 29, 2006


Last night, 2 guys came in our house. This morning, we found out that they have stolen a DVD player, without the remote control and one of the speakers; the other speaker was left untouch.

Mr. Thong and gf saw 2 guys at around 2:20 a.m. outside the compound, looking into their room. One of them says he's a policeman. Yeah ,right.


The house is a double-storey building. The stolen items were upstairs, and I'm living downstairs. Thank goodness, I don't go to toilets during the wee hours. I mean, imagine what if they saw me and decided to threaten me by using one of the kichen's knife???

I was so trusting of this place. I thought the crime rate was low here. Guess I'm wrong. Although, before this incident, Jay told me she stayed in our room before and accidentally left the window open with her laptop on the table.

And then, you know. She came back from work to find her laptop stolen.

Now, the tenants in the house are obsessing about this malfeasance. There are so many possibilities. The thieves could've come in through the back door, the front door (which is always open all through the night, because some of the ppl in the house comes back way past midnight) and also the downstairs bathroom window is constantly open for ventilation.

Now, I guess everyone will be paranoid about locking their room doors, heaving their windows shut and locking the front door either coming back or going out. Just remember do not latch it.

Imagine: I will walk home from school alone, come back to perhaps an empty house and I'm having problems opening the main door (kept fumbling through)... What if ppl follows me?

Zip it shut. Scary thought.

I'm also concerned about everyone's safety. We've been in good terms with each other.

The landlord should've installed a CCTV long before. He bought the house 2 years ago and till now... the security cam is still outside, but without being programmed. Fehh..

Procrastination evokes a series of problems.

They believe the theives were in a hurry. Only a DVD and a speaker without the remote and cables. I mean, the big TV is probably even mroe valuable.

Nash is an analytical person who gets excited about these things. I mean, in NZ, it's a simple life with boring routines, until of course, petty crimes makes it more interesting.


The Suitcase Murder is still going on in the news. Although with suspects, they believe the killer is still at large. They even put up a picture of 4 girls who could supposedly witness the whole kidnapping thing, or at least recognise the killer.

The theives were 'Westerners, not Asians', according to Mr. Thong and gf.

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