Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I have laryngitis. That’s totally bad because I love talking to people. And now * hangs head sadly*, talking can be painful, and the constant cough is really getting on my nerves.

Ah, anyway. I so love Neo for borrowing me a portion of the Naruto series!! Oh yea!

Sooooo, rooting for Hinata x Gaara!

Joey’s having a party this Friday and I want to go so badly… But with my deteriorating immune system, I have to beef up on vitamins and supplements. Get better, so I can go!! If my parents don’t allow, hell! I’ll sneak out and come back just in time. ;p

But, I do put my health on top of my list. Meaning, if I’m still not peachy by Thursday, which is tomorrow, I’ll stay at home and imagine Sheltie and all others enjoying the lovely cake and pool around the noisy arcade or the cinema, or the rock-climbing event..


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