Friday, May 12, 2006

Saucy Exams

Yes, I realised that Catholic is having an exams, or would I rather say that the whole Selangor district is carrying out a 2nd term exam next week. To put it crudely, I find exams are like water, dripping their way into our life, 'cept that they are not as clear as mountain water or as brown as polluted water.

There are advantages and disadvantages, such as the ups and downs of M'sia's education system.

An examination paper, originate from some chopped down tree, lying there - blank. Then, a tiny drop of black ink dripped onto the fold, gradually, writings appear as men learn to write. Afterwards, people got smarter and decided that their assesments should be given top priority. They began to go on and on about theories.

Drip, drip, drip. More ink, smudged the whole piece and it had to be rewritten again.

This time, they added a little flair and democracy, or should we say - a fair justified assessment. People wanted to test each others capabilities, intellignece as neither belives that the other is smarter or 'brainier' than he is.

Then, exams got harder, the stakes had shifted its position, rising above our heads until we had to jump 3 times to merely touch a little bit of it.

A whole lot of competition comes in, and then it gets complicated...

'Sauce' that makes it so complex, and yet one's future and career will depend on that very hour to finish the indicator of success.

Is it fairly justified? Are exams the best way to test a student's ability and knowledge?

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