Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Yep, you got it!

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in spirit of brotherhood (or sisterhood).

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, langauge, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignity.

In final words, everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person and no one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Everyone has their rights; every man on earth is equal because everyone of us has rights.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

(Sexual) Harrasment

It was a chilly after-school afternoon. I doned a light blue button-up sweater over a white spaghetti-strap top and A-line navy blue skirt (school requirements), black tights and black sportshoes. Basically, top-half: casual-wear; lower-half: too lazy to change.

I was rushing to the library to ask if they have any job vacancies. I was enjoying the walk alone.

As my shoes scraped on the steep driveway, my nose breathing in the familiar scent of the road (carbon monoxide); I thought, why not have a visit to St. Theresa church?

I did just that, and I love the design and the way the church was built. I especially adore the interior designs; it reminded me so much of First Purchase, a church described by Harper Lee in To Kill a Mockingbird. The building of First Purchase Church in the 1930s was funded by the black people living in Maycomb, a Southern town in America.

Although St. Theresa church was cleaner and well taken care of, it gave me a rare feeling that I'm stepping into First Purchase. St. Theresa's sermon is a black man and so is the preacher in First Purchase. The similarities they shared warmed my imgination.

After admiring the church for quite some time, I tore myself away from there and resumed my excursion to the library.

And then, it happened...

I was humming a simple tune, oblivious to the danger ahead of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a Samoan/Maori/Islander (or some other race) man crossing the road and walking towards me. He stopped me and I willing listened to his enquiries.

At first, I thought he was asking directions. I couldn't hear properly, because his accent was too strong. And when I did, I was outraged.

He was begging to 'fuck', shooting my boobs with a leery look.

He even asked what colour are my panties; could he lick my pussy...

I was stupefied and a look of rejection crossed my features. I ignored him and walked away.

Thankfully, he did not follow me. He crossed back to the opposite side of the main road and walked up a slope, bent down and seemed to be picking up a box or rummaging in it to search for something.

I did not seek out what he's gonna do next as I don't wanna have eye contact with him or even coincidentally bump into him again. It was too much to bear.

My thoughts were:

a) WTF?!
b) I can't believe this is happening to me!!
c) fucking sicko

(This is not a multiple-choice question.)

At that moment, I was still calm. I was thinking if that man were to follow me, at least I'm not leading him back to where I'm staying.

I did make a report to the police, and I appreciate everyone's understanding. I called my friend, Ceya first before calling the police. We discussed on what I should note down about that man and time of incident.

I cried after telling the details to the policeman. He asked if he should call up someone to talk to me on this night. I said fine and he did just that.

Unfortunately, Barbara (the counselor) called when I was having dinner. I was too distracted eating to recount the horrible thing that happened. So, I told her just that and she said she'll call again tomorrow during the day.

I'm having exams next week and we have to provide our own paper. I guess I have to rewrite the whole biology report on the day of the practical. I screwed up, or I could just make up my results if the experiment fails.


Friday, May 19, 2006

Never a DULL moment in English

Guess what happened in English today?

*pause for effect*

Somehow the conversation shifts to talking about our ex-es. Caryn has FIVE ex-es!!!!!


Jason has twooooooooo...

and Karen... has to take out the calculator.

At first, I wasn't aware that Jason and Caryn were hounding Karen on her previous bf-es... until I got interested, that is. We were suppose to have a group discussion on the up-coming presentation next Monday.

I did most of the work. Lazy bums! ;p

No offense..

Anyway, Karen took out the calculator and started to press the buttons. She took so long and each of us only took a split second to answer. When we FINALLY got her to say it, 15 minutes has passed.

Both of the girls have heaps of online bfs. While I just sat there with amusing smiles, of course, not letting on that I had a phone-bf before. It was so real, although we've never met with each other.

Jason has unique eye-brows and sleepy eyes. He's a Korean. I think his name is spelt like this: Yoo Myiung-Wu. Apparently, Karen and him are like 'metal magnets', like Caryn says.

The last English lesson was full of giggles and mouth-covering laughter.

I did bring along my Malaysia testpad and there were my school name in Malay and Chinese. The way Jim, Jason and another guy pronounce it was so funny, the insides of my belly was bouncing with laughter. Oh, yes. Karen did manage to try and say it.


Hahahahha. Erm... sorry bout that.

And that guy-whose-name-I've -forgotten (the one Caryn calls an Indian... >.>), pronounce it like an Iban. So Sarawakian.

"She is so pure," quoted by Karen, as she started to comment me on my asking whether she had kissed a guy before. Clearly, the relationship was not defined.

I am SOOO pure.

hehe ^.^

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I Hate Me...

You know, I am taking Biology, CHemistry, Economics, Math and English. I now regret my choice of subjects. My father thinks these subjects are the best, because it creates a lot of oppurtunities for me, or a lot of options when I eventually go to university.

I should've taken up Music. I love music, I love playing the piano, I want to get creative with music. I wonder why didn't I voice out what I want. Is it because I'm not sure it is the best for me. Where can I go from here? Is the subject useful for my future?

I am so torn. Without Chemistry, I could never be a doctor or a dentist. With Chemistry, everyday will be 'study hard' and activating the 'mojo button'. It's great that it motivates me to research and try and do my best, but I find it a little stressful. I did not do well in Malaysia, what makes me think that coming here will be any different?

I know some ppl might categorize my thinking as pessimistic, but remember that I came in during Term 2. Makingthis important decision depends a lot. My future is at stake. Oppressing state.

*My right hand is shaking badly, typing this. Could be the cold.*

Why did I choose Chem? I love Bio, but without Chem, Bio will be an independent, fruitless subject. Although it teaches me about human anatomy and the workings inside our body, Chem relates dastardly close to it.

I wouldn't want to bother Mr. Lett again, but... from now on, I need the credits. I need at least Merits. As for participating in Sports, P.E. is enough.

One thing, one question that made me realize something about myself: Why ... Why didn't I voice it out to my father that I don't want to take Chemistry?

Some part of me believes that it will open up more options for me and I believe that I can pass with merits if I work hard enough. IF. But come to think of it, without my father around as an academic mentor, it is near impossible for me to understand the tiny molecules that seemed to cause reaction when it collides and producing something different.

I take Biology because I want to know more about the inner workings of our bodily functions. I want to know how to take care of myself when I am alone and also taking care of others (friends, family and perhaps the next generation of kids). Did you know that it broke my heart to see widespread famine and diseases happening in undeveloped areas?

It also hurt me to see ppl destroying themselves by harming themselves, by smoking. I despise ppl who seemed to want to kill themselves, because I had experienced it some while ago.

Suicidal tendencies are by far the most life-threatening. It is because it is commited by yourself. You, have the undenied privacy to access yourself. You are your own person, you can do whatever you want with yourself.

I don't hold a grudge against daredevils. I mean, hey! It's your choice! But ending your life either slowly and painfully or abruptly is a horrible way to die. DOn't you feel sympathy for yourself?

That time, I was so lost, so blurred by my emotions, entire rationality chased out from my mind. I wanted to, at that moment, to physically hurt myself in the worst possible way. Is it wrong to think that? No.

But I stopped myself as the blade was mere centimetres away from my wrist.

It was so close... I could feel my blood rushing there as the inevitable drew closer... but I stopped. I was crying and thought that no one unserstands me, but I still thought for myself. I selfishly thought of myself. I wondered why would I want to scar myself? Is it worth it? Is it worth the pain I will later feel?

No. It is not.

From that day on, I never tried to hurt myself again. I hurt and throw things, but not inflicting pain on myself.

I have no regrets on what I almost did, on what I was thinking, on how and why I thought of hurting myself in the first place... it's because I had experienced it. And I know I would not be tempted to go down that road again.

Music helped a lot. I get to bang the piano and play really loudly and no one would penalise me or suggested that I need anger management. Provided the song is suitable to rise in drastic desibels.

Obviously, music requires theory as well as fingering on the keyboard or picking up and trying other instruments. I wonder what's Music subject like. Would I like it? Would I regret dropping Chem and taking up Music?


I'm just worried that it would cause Mr. Lett his valuable time.

It's not bad... Exams are 2 weeks away, have to make friends all over again since my schedule would change dramatically, might gain other better teachers (or not) and the scholarship programme might be a little tricky.

Weird huh? Me, taking up Econs, but not Accounting. My mom said if you're thinking of getting into Business, take Acc and Econs!! Don't listen to what your father says! Think of yourself!!!


Think of yourself. What do you want?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

My First Day in Mt. Roskill Grammar.

When I woke up, excited about going to school, I noticed it was just 6.17 a.m., and school starts at 9.00 a.m. although I have to be there at 8:30 a.m.. Mr. Lett is going to give me the map of the school and show me my form class for roll-check.

Their uniform consist of a rich-chilly blue wool jersey with the school's emblem (golden pheonix with the latin word 'Sursum', meaning to the heights), white long-sleeve blouse (or there are other options as well: short-sleeve blouse with the emblem on the collar or the school light blue blouse), A-line navy blue short skirt (or you can choose pleated, or full-length), black pantyhose (or white socks or navy blue pantyhose) and black leather shoes (required by the school).

Get this: I have to find my classes for every subject. And, I don't fancy going from one end to the other end of the school, especially in the rain.

For the first few days, I had been carrying my heavy red bag around with my 'water tank', 'coz I have no locker. That was before I met Karen in my English class.

So, on my first day, as I was walking to school, I met up with Ira, a Year 10 girl who got kicked out from her previous school because of a fight with another girl and also of 'wagging' (means, skipping/cutting classes).

She told me prefects are useless. The guys either says 'shut up' and then don't bother, and the girls say 'shush' and well, just gives you 'the glare'. For a Year 10 student, Ira is taller than me. She is a Syrian (I think), eurpean look: brown hair, brown eyes, tollable (I'm not sure if this is a word... if it's offensive, then I apologise for using it) skin.

She introduced me to Natalie, her cousin and Fiona Ting (caucasian), her friend.

Then, I had English. Met Karen and Caryn.

During Chem, I met Tracy and Saru and Elaine and Daphney. Tracy welcomed me into her group of friends: Eleanor, Amerdin, Shaman and Catelina. We had lunch together. I did not really click with Amerdin and Shaman, eventhough they are fun ppl to be around. We just all need some getting use to.

I am quite fond of Mrs. Phillips. She's the woman in B1 Resourse Centre, in charge of books, clothing and stationary. She's so sweet and kind, keeps calling me 'love' and asking me if I'm doing fine.


In Math A, I sat with Ceya. She has a twin who I have yet to meet and I was sitting opposite the 'Best Coach of the Year'! Megan! She plays soccer and Ceya plays soccer. And Lynli plays hockey, tennis and something else. Everyone here is so sports orientated, but too bad for me, the trials are already closed.

I wanna join netball. However, I need to deal with my studies first.

Everyone here is so frank and honest.

Oh, and there is Janice, Tracy's friend. She swears a lot and when I was swarmed away by a crowd, momentarily seperated from them, she asked, "Where the fuck is Alyce?" And she always say that her friends are once men, referring to all her girl friends. She's an Indian if any of you would like to know.

She did specifically enunciated that her boyfriend 'is a real boy'. I believe that.

Karen is pretty popular. Haha, pretty and popular. Oh yea, Amy is her bestie and Ben is Amy's bf. I told him, "Don't break her heart, ok?" He did not exactly promised me he won't, but he knows not to. Besides, if he did, Eleanor (a Singaporean) will beat him up for her.

The pureness of frendships.

Oh, yes. They had a production as well - 'Footloose'. I had no chance to see it, 'coz the tickets are sold out and the production will start on that very night of my first day in school.

I wouldn't want to download MSN. Distracting me from my studies.

Friday, May 12, 2006

I won't be coming back soon

The title says it. And as I would long to hear everyone's voice, it would not be in the near future.

I have not been replying e-mails because I needed to catch up a lot in schoolwork. Their exams start next week until the end of the month, although not everyday, and they have seperate assessments (internal and external).

We even get graded during P.E.. There are credits for it.

I want to play netball sooooo badly, but I know I must find footing and confidence in my studies before I attempt it... Or should I join it sooner rather than later? Would there be a difference..?

Sheltie, I wonder how you're handling over there? Sorry I did not call back. I was so concern for your free time that I assume that you're busy every second during the whole year, especially this year. I thought about your available time which would, should be used to 'take a breather' from all the schoolwork pressure and would not be nice to bother you.

I miss you. And of course, not only Sheltie, but all of you guys!

You guys ROCK! I brought the cute, soft and cuddly dog with me!

Winter is already here, and it's cold, although not freezing, but cold and WET, WET, WET! My only transport are my legs and bus services. Oh, and we don't stick to the same class.


I finally have a locker! Sharing with Karen, though. She's so nice! Actually, we have to hire the lockers, but I came pretty late, so all the lockers were unavailable. However! I met pretty Shanghai Karen who was so kind to share it with me!


Saucy Exams

Yes, I realised that Catholic is having an exams, or would I rather say that the whole Selangor district is carrying out a 2nd term exam next week. To put it crudely, I find exams are like water, dripping their way into our life, 'cept that they are not as clear as mountain water or as brown as polluted water.

There are advantages and disadvantages, such as the ups and downs of M'sia's education system.

An examination paper, originate from some chopped down tree, lying there - blank. Then, a tiny drop of black ink dripped onto the fold, gradually, writings appear as men learn to write. Afterwards, people got smarter and decided that their assesments should be given top priority. They began to go on and on about theories.

Drip, drip, drip. More ink, smudged the whole piece and it had to be rewritten again.

This time, they added a little flair and democracy, or should we say - a fair justified assessment. People wanted to test each others capabilities, intellignece as neither belives that the other is smarter or 'brainier' than he is.

Then, exams got harder, the stakes had shifted its position, rising above our heads until we had to jump 3 times to merely touch a little bit of it.

A whole lot of competition comes in, and then it gets complicated...

'Sauce' that makes it so complex, and yet one's future and career will depend on that very hour to finish the indicator of success.

Is it fairly justified? Are exams the best way to test a student's ability and knowledge?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


'Touch' Rugby is sooooo cool! EVne though I had the ball slammed onto my cheekbones and spectacles, I still think it's awfully fun!

I hope I do not develop a bruise, but I believe that I have hard cheekbones. ;p

I found out that I do not really click with Tracy's gang or some ppl in it, but... that's cool. I just need to get use to it.

There's so many international students, Chinese and Maori s here in school! The Kiwis are like so small in population.

Today, I went to the forbidden H-block. It's only accessible to the Seniors (Year 13), but my friend and housemate, Cecelia took me in and lectured me on being prompt, not early. So, I'm anxious, alright! My 2nd day in school! What do you expect?!

Although, I'm not mad at her. Met Queenie, a Year13 student. She went to a Haunted House last night at midnight! Whoa! I want to go there some time!

I'll list down the names I have to remember:
Anna (Eng)
Ann (P.E.: CHina)
Brianca (Tracy's gang)
Barishna (Bio)
Cecelia (You know)
Christina/Tina (Registration)
Ellen (Math)
Samantha (Math)
Sophia (Chem)
Tracy (Chem)
Janice (Tracy's locker mate)
Faizul (A fleeting introduction. He's Eurasian and homo. I don't have a chance to talk to him yet)
Lucy (P.E.)
Anna (from P.E.)
Karen (Eng)
Karen (some weird spelling I don't know): (Eng)
Tim (Registration)
Sharman (Tracy's gang)
Amerdin (Tracy's gang)
Eleanor (Tracy's gang)
Kay (Taiwanese, chance meet)
Jacy (Chem)
Joyce (Economics)
Tashmeen (Economics)
Jocelyn (Bio)
Amy (Tracy's friend and Hong Kong Karen's bestie)
Lola (Registration)
Joseph (Canteen line, Tracy's friend)
Wen Yi (Chem)
Saru (Chem)
Sevi (Tracy's bf)
Toni (Tracy's friend)
Elaine (Chem)
Emma (Bio)
Megan (Math)
Lynli (Math)
Lilith (Tracy's friend)
Ceya (Math)
Suna (P.E.)
Dixie (Jacy and Ellen's friend)
Richard (Economics)

Tracy introduced plenty of ppl to me. She's kind as well, loaning me $5 to pay for my stationary on my 1st DAY! She's so cool.

I have to sleep now.

Oh, yea. I'm in Year 12 and reading 'To Kill a Mocking Bird'.... it's quite nice actually.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Obvious Answer

Mrs. Neoh had a conversation with my dad as we were eating dinner. I was around, listening to the progressing conversation; Mr. Neoh was packing things into boxes.

Mrs. Neoh: Why'd you come to New Zealand? If it's to educate your daughter, it's no point, since you only have one child, while I have to educate 4!

My thoughts: WHAT THE HELL?!

My dad: *smiled politely* I suppose the education system here is better.

Mrs. Neoh: It's no different. Malaysia is not that backward.

My thoughts: Partially agree.

Mrs. Neoh: After studying here, my daughter went back to Malaysia and is now working there. In a couple of months, she'll be a CEO.

My dad: Well...

Mrs. Neoh: And she's only 36.

My thoughts: WHAT DO YOU THINK, WOMAN??!!

Mrs. Neoh: There are more opportunities in Malaysia.