Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Go Web!

Hey, sorry for the 'long wait'.

But I've been totally absorbed in a few sites which I go to. Let me list it out:


These sites are awesome!

In Forsaken, I am Rose_Constantine, if any of you are curious; In Quizilla, I'm Mink-Ice same as my username in Blogger; In Fanfiction, I am CharismaHarmony.

Anyway, I sooooooo want to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!! But I got sick and tickets are so hard to buy or book. It's either full-house or the few rows in front! T.T

Perhaps I'll be watching Narnia and Harry Potter (if it runs that long till then) in the same day!

There's something wrong, I can't show you the images....

Till then, then.

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